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White Library

Status: Ongoing
GI Technology: Bioswale
Project Year: 2021

The White Library project is part of the Onondaga County Public Libraries (OCPL) “Green Library Initiative,” a partnership between the Save the Rain program and OCPL to capture stormwater while providing aesthetic benefits to the libraries.

The White Library project consists of a porous concrete area within the existing parking lot. The porous concrete area is designed to allow stormwater to infiltrate through them into a subsurface infiltration bed. Stormwater from the roof of White Library will be captured in two ways; (1) via rerouting roof leaders into a bioretention area, and (2) capturing stormwater in a rain barrel. The bioretention area will be constructed with a subsurface infiltration bed that will allow for the infiltration of stormwater into the ground. Another green improvement at White Library involves the removal of excess pavement in the existing parking lot, and installing a new infiltration trench to capture stormwater runoff from Peters St. These green improvements contribute to a reduction of 424,000 gallons of stormwater from entering the combined sewer system annually.

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