Project Description:
In 2010 a green infrastructure project at the Near Westside Artist Studio and Apartment, located near the intersection of Tully and Wyoming Streets, involved the conversion of 7,400 square feet of impervious area to pervious area. The project transformed 900 square feet of asphalt and concrete sidewalks into porous concrete sidewalks, which included a subsurface infiltration layer. A rain garden was installed on the east side of the property to reduce impervious area and provide temporary storage for runoff from the 1,100 square foot roof. Lastly, a vegetated infiltration basin was constructed to convert an existing 5,400 square feet of impervious asphalt into pervious landscaping with new tree and shrub plantings.
All improvements promoted the infiltration of stormwater runoff. The project was designed to capture and infiltrate at least one inch of rain from the roof as well as surrounding impervious areas, resulting in a total estimated annual stormwater capture of 130,000 gallons.
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