Project Description:
The Wilbur Ave Zoo Entrance Enhancement Project involved capturing stormwater runoff from several adjacent streets in rain gardens in the park space located at the zoo entrance.
Stormwater is captured from Conservation Place, S. Wilbur Avenue, and Coleridge Avenue as part of this project. The three rain gardens are connected hydraulically, allowing overflows from each rain garden to be directed to the other rain gardens before connecting to the combined sewer system.
The rain gardens are planted with various species of plants that will beautify the zoo entrance, promoting further pedestrian traffic in this area. At the same time, these plants allow captured rainwater to be infiltrated and evaporated, preventing it from entering the combined sewer system. A unique aspect of this project is that existing infrastructure (i.e. catch basins) were tied in to the site and utilized for capturing rainwater. This reduced construction disruptions and allowed the project to be more cost efficient.
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