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Concord Place – Green Street

Status: Completed
GI Technology: Bioswale
Project Year: Archived


*TOTAL cost



Project Description:

Concord Place was the first “green street” project in Syracuse. This project demonstrates a subtle approach to managing stormwater with the installation of infiltration trenches along the street corridor. Stormwater enters the system through the existing storm drain connections in the street. Instead of the collected water flowing to the sewer system, as was previously the case, the water is now directed to an underground trench filled with a stone base. As the water enters the trench, it slowly filters through the compacted stone and soil, eventually releasing into the ground water. In addition to the underground infiltration system, Concord Place also received a new mill and pave application to the street surface, which was paid for by the City of Syracuse.

This type of project is unique among green infrastructure projects – although above the surface it appeared to be a traditional street paving process, below the street green infrastructure was installed to more effectively manage stormwater and protect our water resources.

The completion of the renovation of Concord Place was the first of several planned “green street” projects within the “Save the Rain” program.

Download project details below:

Concord Place Project Overview (PDF)
Project Overview
Concord Place Project Plans (PDF)
Project Plans
Concord Place Project Completion Report (PDF)
Project Completion Report (PDF)

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