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Connective Corridor Phase 1, Project 3: East Genesee Street

Status: Completed
GI Technology: Bioswale
Project Year: Archived


*TOTAL cost



Aerial Photo - Connective Corridor E Genesee August 2012Project Description:

The Connective Corridor: Phase 1, Contract 2 project was the third and final 2011 Save the Rain project done in partnership with the City of Syracuse and Syracuse University. The City and University are constructing a corridor between University Hill and Downtown Syracuse and the Save the Rain program has partnered with both to include green infrastructure throughout the corridor. When combined, the 2011 Connective Corridor Projects will prevent a total of 5.9 million gallons of stormwater from entering the combined sewer system each year.

The East Genesee portion of the Connective Corridor work (Phase 1, Contract 2) consisted of creating a green street on both sides of East Genesee. This included various types of green infrastructure, including subsurface infiltration trenches, porous pavement, tree plantings and bioretention. The result of this work is that 1,771,000 gallons of stormwater is captured annually and kept out of the combined sewer system.


Download project details below:

Connective Corridor Phase 1 Contract 2 Project Overview
Project Overview
C.C. Phase 1 Contract 2 Project Plans
Project Plans

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