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CSO 005 Sewer Reconfiguration

Status: Completed
GI Technology: Bioswale
Project Year: 2018


*TOTAL cost



Project Description: The CSO 005 Sewer Reconfiguration is a project that highlights a minimally invasive construction for maximum benefit in CSO volume reduction. CSO 005 has a history of frequent overflows, estimated at 1.5 MG per year via 12 activations (data from County SWMM model). This is primarily due to poor sewer hydraulics conveying flows to the Harbor Brook Interceptor Sewer (HBIS).

By placing a new regulator structure upstream of a hydraulic bottleneck in the system, the project is able to reduce overflow volume at CSO 005 by 1 million gallons per year. This will reduce CSO activations by 6 occurrences/year (as predicted by the County’s SWMM model). The existing 005 regulator will remain as the secondary overflow and underflow for any laterals attached to the sewer. A backflow preventer will also be installed in the existing regulator underflow pipe to eliminate an unintended high flow release point for the HBIS.

These hydraulic improvements provide significant improvement in CSO 005, reducing pollution to Harbor Brook and Onondaga Lake.

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