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GIF – CNY Philanthropy Center

Status: Completed
GI Technology: Green Roofs
Project Year: Archived


*TOTAL cost



Project Description:

The Green Improvement Fund (GIF) project at CNY Philanthropy Center involved the installation of porous pavement, a rain garden and a section of green roof.

Site improvements included removing existing impervious area for increased planting areas, a rain garden to accept drainage from the stair tower addition, a green roof on the new entry addition of the building, replacement of the existing asphalt pavement parking area with permeable asphalt pavement, landscaping features and a drywell storm inlet system. This project reduces stormwater runoff by 194,900 gallons per year.

These green infrastructure improvements were constructed in conjunction with the renovation of the building and building addition serving as the headquarters for the Central New York Community foundation, Inc. and as tenant space for other not-for-profits.

Download project details below:

CNY Philanthropy Center Fact Sheet (PDF)
Project Overview

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