Project Description:
The J.C. Smith, Inc. Green Improvement Fund project is located at 345 Peat Street. They are one of the largest family-owned construction supply operations in Upstate New York.
Because excessive runoff was previously draining to the parking area of the Peat Street property, J.C. Smith, Inc. partnered with Onondaga County Save the Rain through the Green Improvement Fund to implement green infrastructure elements to manage the stormwater runoff on-site.
The project features a porous pavement parking lot. Runoff from the parking lot is now directed to the porous pavement, which infiltrates stormwater into the underlying soils. Additionally, rain gardens were constructed at the entrance to capture adjacent road runoff and provide a higher level of water quality.
Approximately 7,785 square feet of green infrastructure was installed to capture an estimated 394,000 gallons of stormwater annually.
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