Project Description:
The Lower Harbor Brook CSO Conveyances and Storage Facility Project is a 4.9 million gallon combined sewer overflow storage facility that is located on County owned property on State Fair Boulevard between Hiawatha Boulevard and West Genesee Street in the City of Syracuse. The facility captures and stores the overflows from CSO’s 003, 004 and 063 for up to the 1-year, 2-hour design storm event. After the storm event subsides, the contents of the Storage Tank are pumped to the existing Harbor Brook Interceptor Sewer forconveyance to the Metropolitan Treatment Plant (Metro) for full treatment. The project also included construction of CSO conveyance pipelines on State Fair Boulevard, Hiawatha Boulevard and Erie Boulevard to convey combined sewage from the overflow regulators to the storage tanks during rainfall and snowmelt events. Floatables and grit removal is also included in this facility. Odor control provisions are incorporated into the facility design and the tank is completely enclosed.
Green Components: To further enhance the sustainability of the facility, the project includes green infrastructure components. The stormwater runoff from the rooftops of the storage tank and controls building is stored within the CSO storage tank and used for a second and third cleaning flush of the tank. This water is ultimately treated at Metro, eliminating the need for this stormwater to be treated on-site. The stormwater storage is designed to capture the 100-year storm (5.2 inches) from the tank and the control building rooftop.
Facility Operation: The Lower Harbor Brook CSO Storage Facility was placed on line on December 31, 2013 and several small CSO events occurred over the first three months of 2014. The first large event occurred on March 29, 2014 with nearly 2” of rainfall in the City of Syracuse as well as significant snow melt. The snowpack was concentrated with water due to the very wet late season snow storms. The Lower Harbor Brook Storage Tank was filled during this event with the system operating essentially as designed. This first large event provided information for refinement of future operations. The storage system was dewatered with all of the contents pumped to the HBIS for conveyance to Metro for treatment. Site restoration was completed in 2014.
VIDEO (December 2013): Testing the storage facility flushing system at Lower Harbor Brook CSO Storage Facility in anticipation of facility start up!
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