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County Board of Elections Building

Status: Completed
GI Technology: Bioswale
Project Year: Archived


*TOTAL cost



Board of ElectionsProject Description:

The County Board of Elections Building Project is a green project that is outside of the combined sewershed districts of the Amended Consent Judgement.  This project done voluntarily by Onondaga County as part of the expansion of the Save the Rain campaign countywide. This project consisted of re-routing roof leaders to direct stormwater from the roof into an infiltration trench between the building and the parking lot of the property.

This infiltration trench is located on the south and east sides of the building where the roof leaders are draining. Additionally, a rain barrel was installed to capture supplemental stormwater from the roof of the building. In total, this project captures 114,000 gallons of stormwater annually.

Download project details below:

County Board of Elections Fact Sheet (PDF)
Project Overview
Board of Elections Stormwater Planter Plans (PDF)
Project Plans

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