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GIF – Home Headquarters Marcellus Street

Status: Completed
GI Technology: Bioswale
Project Year: 2013


*TOTAL cost





Project Description:

Home Headquarters partnered with the Onondaga County Save the Rain program under the Green Improvement Fund for this project to incorporate green infrastructure techniques for stormwater management. This location, 223 Marcellus Street, is the site for the Neighborhood Information Center for the Near Westside Neighborhood.

The project consisted of two bioretention swales with tree plantings to capture stormwater runoff from the areas around the building and the adjacent roadways. Along with the bioretention areas, the site is able to capture runoff from the building’s roof through a gutter system and direct it to a stormwater planter. The capture area of the green infrastructure techniques is approximately 5,466 square feet and will capture an estimated 102,600 gallons of stormwarter annually.

Home Headquarters is a nonprofit organization committed to creating housing and related opportunities that improve the lives of underserved Central and Upstate New York People. Not only has Home Headquarters set a goal to help improve the lives of individual families, but it also focuses on revitalizing the community in which they live.

Project details below:

Fact Sheet
Project Overview

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