Project Description:
The Missio Church Green Infrastructure project was completed in the 2022 construction season. The project included methods of preventing stormwater runoff that were funded by the Green Improvement Fund (GIF).
Porous pavement and added green space were used in this project to manage stormwater runoff. The existing parking lot and walkways around the building on the property were repaved with porous pavement. Two roof drains were also installed to capture runoff from the roof of the church and direct it toward the porous pavement walkways. The total area draining to the porous pavement is approximately 54,295 square feet, which will result in an annual runoff capture of 1,045,100 gallons of stormwater. Green space was added to surround the parking lot and included new tree plantings to further manage stormwater runoff, providing a total annual runoff capture of 1,163,600 gallons.
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