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GIF – Nojaim’s Grocery Store

Status: Completed
GI Technology: Bioswale
Project Year: 2014


*TOTAL cost



The Nojaim’s  Inc. Green Improvement Fund project is located at 307 Gifford Street and includes the renovation of the existing parking lot at NoJaim’s Grocery Store, which serves as a supermarket for Syracuse’s Near West Side Area.  Nojaims Inc. partnered with the Onondaga County Save the Rain program to implement green infrastructure elements to manage the stormwater runoff on-site

The project features an underground infiltration system in the parking area of the supermarket.  Runoff from the parking lot is directed to a series of catch basins and then into the infiltration system.    A portion of the supermarket’s roof is also directed to the underground infiltration system through downspouts.

Approximately 2,362 square feet of green infrastructure was installed that will capture an estimated 1,216,100 gallons of stormwater annually.

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