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GIF – St. Lucy’s Church 2010

Status: Completed
GI Technology: Porous Pavement
Project Year: Archived


*TOTAL cost



Project Description:

Green infrastructure renovations at St. Lucy’s Church included the re-development of three vacant parcels which previously had drained directly onto Seymour and Gifford Streets in the combined sewer system.

The project included the construction of approximately 20,000 square feet of porous pavement (asphalt) in the parking lot, with structural soils and subsurface infiltration to collect and store runoff from the property. The parking lot size was increased and provided additional capture benefit through the use of porous materials. Landscaping features and a rain garden application were also added to the site to maximize capture potential and provide a significant demonstration area for the neighborhood.

The project was designed to capture and infiltrate at least one inch of stormwater runoff from the overall parking area, resulting in a total annual capture of approximately 246,000 gallons of rain annually.

Download project details below:

St. Lucy's Fact Sheet
Project Overview

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