Project Description:
Washington Square Park is one of the many projects planned through the collaborative efforts of the Onondaga County Save the Rain and the City of Syracuse Parks and Recreation Department. Washington Square was dedicated for park purposes in 1839 and continues to serve the recreational needs of the community as a neighborhood park.
The primary goal of this project is to reduce the volume of stormwater flowing into the combined sewer system along Park Street – all within the CSO 075 area. This CSO discharges on average 17 times a year, making it one of the more frequent discharging CSOs remaining in the County’s combined sewer system. This project will implement underground infiltration systems with two different construction methods, one being a porous basketball court with an underground infiltration, and another underground trench using modular storage units. This green infrastructure captures runoff from the park and surrounding areas, totaling 71,000 square feet of drainage area. Stormwater slowly soaks into the ground or is stored for the duration of a storm then slowly released back to the system, eliminating excess runoff into the sewer system and improving the overall stormwater management and drainage in this area.
A secondary goal of this project is to enhance Washington Square Park. Enhancements will include a new basketball court, half-court and a timer-controlled water fountain.
It is anticipated that the Washington Square Park project will remove an estimated 1,250,000 gallons of stormwater runoff per year from the combined sewer in the CSO 075 area.
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