Project Description:
The West Onondaga Street Green Corridor Project is a comprehensive green street application on West Onondaga Street, between Slocum Avenue and Shonnard Street. The design included the installation of several green infrastructure elements that capture stormwater and enhance the urban landscape.
The West Onondaga Street Project exemplifies the strong partnership between the City of Syracuse and Onondaga County through the Save the Rain Program. The City of Syracuse partnered with Onondaga County to reconstruct West Onondaga Street along the project limits upon the completion of this green project.
The project consisted of curb extensions, which narrowed the street from four lanes of traffic to three with dedicated bike lanes on both sides of the street. In addition to the curb extensions, tree trenches with underground infiltration trenches were installed to store the stormwater and reduce the occurrence of combined sewer overflows.
This green infrastructure project captures up to one inch of rainfall at a given time, which reduces stormwater runoff by approximately 5,586,000 gallons per year.
Download project details below:
Public Presentation from April 30, 2012

Related media items:
CNY Business Journal -“Onondaga County completes two road-reconstruction projects for Save the Rain program”