Project Description:
The 900 East Fayette Street Green Improvement Fund (GIF) project, located at 900 East Fayette Street, was completed in 2018. The existing site was covered by 98 percent impervious surfaces prior to the project. This renovation project consisted of renovating the existing building and constructing a new building addition on the rear of the existing building. The GIF work included porous pavement construction, re-plumbing of internal roof drains in the existing building to redirect stormwater into to the underground infiltration system beneath the porous pavement, and the addition of landscaped areas. By capturing the stormwater runoff from the buildings and parking lots, the system allows for the water to infiltrate into the subsoil, improving water quality, and reduces the amount of stormwater entering the combined sewer system. In total, 20,899 square feet of impervious area is managed by the installed green infrastructure, equating to approximately 376,800 gallons of stormwater runoff capture annually.
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