The project took place at the Erie Canal Museum, located on East Water and Market Street, which is known for having a comprehensive collection of Erie Canal related documents, photographs, prints, and rare books. Founded in 1962, the museum is housed in the National Register 1850 Weighlock Building.
The Erie Canal Museum stormwater retrofit project included the installation of a green roof on one of the main buildings at the Erie Canal Museum & Visitor Center. The green roof features plantings in a lightweight growing medium on top of a waterproof membrane, designed to capture stormwater, irrigate plantings, and allow excess water to evapotranspirate – ultimately, preventing stormwater from leaving the rooftop and entering the combined sewer system.
Construction began in 2011 with the waterproof membrane being installed and was completed in Spring 2012 when the sedum was planted. A protective windblanket was installed to protect the new plantings while they are becoming established. This barrier will naturally biodegrade and the green roof below will be revealed over the course of the spring and summer months of 2013.
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