Project Description:
The South Salina Street Green Corridor project is a major green infrastructure project that creates a strong visual and physical link along South Salina Street. The project builds upon recent public works improvements, incorporating green infrastructure such as tree trenches with modular tree cells for enhanced growth and porous pavers into traffic-calming streetscape designs. The designs feature landscape buffers between vehicular and pedestrian zones, and enhanced pedestrian facilities. The County received a $1.3 million grant from NYSEFC through the Green Innovation Grant Program (GIGP) for the project, the sixth GIGP grant the County has received to date.
This South Salina Street Green Corridor project involves the design and construction of a green street on the section of South Salina Street between East Colvin Street and East Newell Street, in the heart of the Salina Street business area. The project is a significant collaboration between the County, City, and South Salina Street business and community stakeholders and will address a considerable amount of stormwater runoff once completed. In addition to large-scale capture, the project provides a showcase for the implementation of GI in urban settings in a highly-travelled area of the City. The project includes enhanced soil volume tree trenches, porous pavers, flexible porous pavement, underground infiltration trenches, bioswales, and stormwater pipe storage. A total of 54 trees will also be planted as part of the project. Almost 300,000 square feet of impervious drainage area is managed within the project, equating to a runoff reduction of 5.1 million gallons annually.
Photo Simulations of the South Salina Street Green Corridor Project |
Construction Progress Photos |
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