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South State Street Road Reconstruction

Status: Completed
GI Technology: Bioswale
Project Year: Archived


*TOTAL cost



S. State Street Road ReconstructionProject Description:

The State Street Road Reconstruction Project exemplifies the growing partnership between the City of Syracuse and Onondaga County through the Save the Rain Program. The City of Syracuse had planned to reconstruct State Street in 2012, and Onondaga County partnered with the City to construct an underground infiltration trench system at the time of the road reconstruction. Further, the work for this project was completed by the City’s Contractor under their annual Street Structures contract, providing further cost savings for both the City and the County.

A 4.5-foot wide underground infiltration trench was installed within State Street, designed to capture runoff from the entire street from E. Kennedy St. to E. Colvin St. The infiltration system is completely underground that is not visible to the naked eye. This type of system is used where above ground systems cannot be constructed. This project captures a total of 2,911,000 gallons of stormwater annually.

Download project details below:

S. State St. Recon Fact Sheet
Project Overview
Project Plans

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