![Clay - Bayberry Project - BEFORE Town of Clay, Bayberry Subdivision, image before green infrastructure installation](https://savetherain.us/wp-content/uploads/2012/05/Clay-Bayberry-Project-BEFORE-300x187.jpg)
Project Description:
This project will replace conventional paving with porous paving on Hummingbird Path and Indigo Path. The streets are in the Bayberry Community, which is located in the southwest corner of the Town of Clay.
This project will consist of replacing approximately 1181 linear feet of roadway with porous pavement. Porous pavement will reduce surface water from entering existing storm sewer systems that flow into the Seneca River and potentially the surrounding sanitary sewer system. Rain water and snow melt will drain into the aggregate storage below the porous pavement. The aggregate layer will store the surface runoff and allow it to slowly infiltrate into the soils below the pavement.
The Town of Clay Highway Department will maintain the porous pavement and its components.
Residents and students from the elementary and high schools will be invited to view the porous pavement as a lesson in green infrastructure.
![SGIP Fact Sheet - Clay - Bayberry Clay - Bayberry - SGIP Fact Sheet](https://savetherain.us/wp-content/uploads/2012/05/SGIP-Fact-Sheet-Clay-Bayberry-228x300.jpg)
![Clay - Bayberry - SGIP Application Clay, Bayberry - SGIP Application](https://savetherain.us/wp-content/uploads/2012/05/Clay-Bayberry-SGIP-Application-232x300.jpg)