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Green Streets in CSO 052 Sewershed (Elmwood Neighborhood)

Status: Completed
GI Technology: Bioswale
Project Year: 2019


*TOTAL cost



Project Description:

The Green Streets in CSO 052 Project is another example of the Save the Rain Program targeting a specific priority area for green infrastructure implementation. This project, within the high priority CSO 052 sewershed, is intended to reduce pollution to Onondaga Creek and Onondaga Lake. The project will be located on six streets within the City: Elmhurst Avenue, South Avenue, Charmouth Drive, Fairfield Avenue, Fletcher Avenue, and Hutchinson Avenue.

This Green Streets project will use two types of green infrastructure technologies: underground infiltration trenches, and rain gardens (also known as bioretention). These green infrastructure practices will provide water quality and quantity improvements through infiltration and storage, thereby reducing stormwater contribution to the combined sewer system. This increased capture will reduce sewer overflows. In total, the project consists of 18 underground infiltration trenches and 1 rain garden. The underground infiltration trenches provide a very high capture volume without an obtrusive footprint at the surface, maximizing cost efficiency.

Upon completion of all six streets, the project will capture runoff from approximately 8.8 acres of impervious area, reducing stormwater runoff to the sewer by approximately 5.8 million gallons annually. Project areas include:

  • 2018 Construction (completed)
    • Charmouth Drive from Robineau Road to Arlington Avenue – 6 underground infiltration trenches;
      annual stormwater runoff capture: 1,800,000 gallons (Completed – $587,500)
    • South Avenue from W. Brighton to Eastman avenues – 4 underground infiltration trenches; annual runoff capture: 938,000 gallons (Completed – $326,400)
    • Elmhurst Avenue from Bishop Avenue to Hunt and Randall Avenues 3 underground infiltration trenches; annual runoff capture: 1,222,000 gallons (Completed – $418,000)
  • 2019 Construction
    • Fairfield Avenue from Fletcher to South Avenues – 1 underground trench using modular storage units, 1 bioretention area; annual stormwater runoff capture: 437,000 gallons.
    • Hutchinson Avenue from Clayton to South Avenues and Fletcher Avenue from Hutchinson to Fairfield avenues – 4 underground infiltration trenches; annual stormwater runoff capture: 1,497,000 gallons.

Underground infiltration trench installation on South Avenue.

Underground infiltration trench installation on South Avenue.

Completed infiltration trench awaiting new pavement on Elmhurst Avenue.

Final product: in front of Elmhurst School on South Avenue.

Download project details below:

Project Overview
Project Plans

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